Hi ๐Ÿ‘‹ everyone, in this blog post I’m going to over how we can use Copier to create templates for our repositories.

Why create a template repo ?

I’m sure some of you are wondering why do we even need templates ? Well for a few reasons, one it gives you a consistent way to create new services from a repository. For my personal project Banter Bus I have a FastAPI Template, which I use to create new FastAPI services from. It creates a lot of boilerplate which I don’t have to worry about. It provides consistency so makes it easier to jump between my FastAPI services in Banter Bus.

All I have to do is render the template, using the copier CLI tool fill in some values such as service name. Then I have a project skeleton that I can start with.

Why not cookiecutter ?

Some of you may also be asking why not use cookiecutter instead of copier. For one simple reason copier allows us to update downstream services that were rendered from this template. So in theory we can update a file in the template, say a make target, and pull in this change from all the projects that were rendered from this template. I will go over how to do this in another post. But just keep in mind this is possible, you can read more here.

You can read more about the comparison in the copier docs here.

Let’s get started

Existing Repository Probably the easiest way to create a template repository is to take an existing one and copy it. Then we template out the copied repo. In my case I called it FastAPI Template and created a new project on Gitlab.

Now that we have a repository, we can start to template it. First create a file in the root of your project called copier.yaml. The file will be used to prompt the user for answers to these questions.

  type: str
  help: Name of your project (lowercase, hyphens like 'banter-bus-api')
  default: banter-bus-api

  type: str
  help: "Title of your project (title case like 'Banter Bus API')"
  default: "{{service_name | title | replace('-', ' ')}}"

  type: str
  help: "Prefix of environment variables for this service (upper case like 'BANTER_BUS_API')"
  default: "{{service_name | upper | replace('-', '_')}}"

  type: str
  help: "Your database name (lowercase, hypens replaced with underscore and no banter-bus like 'api')"
  default: "{{service_name | replace('-', '_') | replace('banter_bus_', '')}}"

  type: str
  help: "A short description of the project"

  type: bool
  help: "Whether to include a Gitlab CI file"
  default: true

  - copier.yaml
  - __pycache__
  - .git
  - README.md

We can transform our variables, for example we can remove - and replacing them with spaces. We can use normal jinja syntax.

The _exclude, field it used to not template certain files these files don’t get copied over. By default all the files get copied over and any file ending in .jinja is templated.

Next create a file at the root called {{ _copier_conf.answers_file }}.jinja and copy the following

{{ _copier_conf.answers_file }}.jinja


Now we have those two files we can start to template out the project. All we need to do is append .jinja to any file we want to template. So for example imagine we had a docker-compose.yml -> docker-compose.yml.jinja, we could do something like this:

    container_name: {{service_name}}
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
      target: development
        - registry.gitlab.com/banter-bus/{{service_name}}:development
      XDG_DATA_HOME: /app/home/commandhistory
      {{service_prefix}}_DB_USERNAME: banterbus
      {{service_prefix}}_DB_PASSWORD: banterbus
      {{service_prefix}}_DB_HOST: banter-bus-database
      {{service_prefix}}_DB_PORT: 27017
      {{service_prefix}}_DB_NAME: test
      {{service_prefix}}_CLIENT_ID: client_id
      {{service_prefix}}_USE_AUTH: "False"
      {{service_prefix}}_WEB_PORT: 8080
      {{service_prefix}}_WEB_HOST: ""
      - ./:/app
      - /app/.venv/ # This stops local .venv getting mounted
      - app-history:/app/home/commandhistory

# ....

The templated files can use jinja syntax like so {{service_prefix}}, will be filled using the value provided by the user. See the copier.yaml file. We have all the functions and filter available from jinja2-ansible-filters. You can read more here.

Optional Directories

We can also use jinja syntax to create optional directories/files if we name a file like {% if include_ci %}.gitlab-ci.yml{% endif %}.jinja. Then you can populate the file like a normal file such as:

image: docker

  - docker:dind

  DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
  DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375

  - pre

  - docker compose build

  stage: pre
    - main
    - echo ${{service_prefix}}
    - docker build --target production -t ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:latest .
    - docker push ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}:latest

How to create a service from the template

Now that we have a template we can generate a project from it, either we can do it locally

# Install copier
pipx install copier

# Either run it with a local copy
copier path/to/project/template path/to/destination

# My preference use the git URL
copier https://gitlab.com/banter-bus/fastapi-template /path/to/destination

But I think the better way to generate it is to use the git URL. In the generated project we have a file called .copier-answers.yaml which should have a line like so:

_src_path: gl:banter-bus/fastapi-template

This is useful later because we can use copier update to pull in changes, using git, from the upstream template. But we can only do this we the _src_path is a git URL i.e. gh for GitHub and gl for Gitlab. I will go over more in-depth in a future post about how to use copier update to update downstream projects.

That’s it! We managed to create a new template repository and a new project from a template repository.
