I know I recently made a post about my dotfiles but I’ve made a few changes since then, so here are my updated dotfiles.
out of date
These dotfiles are out of date check out my updated ones hereSystem Overview
- OS: Arch Linux
- DE: Gnome
- Shell: Fish
- Prompt: Starship
- Terminal: Alacritty
- Editor: Neovim (using LazyVim config)
- Colorscheme: Catppuccin for EVERYTHING!!!
- Fonts: Mono Lisa
I use the following Gnome extension. You can find the config for the extensions in this massive file here.
- Pop Shell
- Space Bar
- Aylurs Widgets
- AppIndicator
- Updates Indicator
- Blur my Shell
- Rounded Window Corners
- Pano
- Just Perfection
- Logo Menu
Top Bar
- Aylurs extension config
- Rest of the top bar is configured using css here
I basically just installed every package from Modern Unix. You can find a full list of all the packages I “use” here.
CLI tools that I use often include:
- fzf: Fuzzy search tool
- Especially for reverse search in my terminal with fish shell
- zoxide: Smarter cd tool, integrated well with fzf, nvim and tmux
- exa: A replacement for
with better syntax highlighting - ripgrep: A faster
- navi: Interactive cheat sheet
I wanted to have wallpaper that changes with the day, I slightly changed the sunpaper script. Which is a great script because it changes depending on the time of day i.e. when sunsets/rises.
I have started using nvim as my default editor (IDE?). It uses LazyVim as the base config and adds a few plugins on top.
- trouble: For showing all lsp diagnostic issues in a file
- telescope zoxide: For showing all lsp diagnostic issues in a file
Some of the nvim setup was heavily inspired by this repo. Including the status bar.
Check out this cool place for tracking my neovim setup: