What we are trying to achieve hosting RevealJS slides on our Hugo blog like so. The markdown that the slides are built from It can be found here


Recently, I did a talk at the Conf42 conference shameless plug here. At the time I was working on the slides using Reveal.js, as I did for all of my slides as I can create a slideshow using just plain markdown. I hosted all of my talks in a separate repository. Which published to a simple site.

However, I wanted to move all the talks into a blog so I could manage all in one place. As I already had a section for my talks, which then linked to this other site. I then came across this project.

Getting Started

Let’s assume you already have a Hugo site, and we will add reveal-hugo to it. If not, you can follow this simple getting started guide. To set up a basic Hugo site.


So one problem I found with adding reveal-hugo was to get code highlighting using highlight-js, we need to turn off code fences on our Hugo site. Which means we need to use the Hugo short code to add code blocks to our blog posts. Which means instead of doing:


We need to do:

// ... code

But we have to specify the style everytime as well (from what I recall). So in the end I decided just to have two Hugo sites in the same repository. My main one which would be hosted at haseebmajid.dev then my slides one which which use haseebmajid.dev/slides/. During the build process we would run hugo && hugo --config hugo-slides.toml. Then our site is available in public folder.

Let me know if you know a better way to solve this problem, but it works well enough for now if a bit “hacky”.

Add reveal-hugo

hugo mod init example
hugo mod get github.com/dzello/reveal-hugo

Create another hugo file for the slides.

nvim hugo-slides.toml
baseURL = "https://example.com/slides"
title = "Example Blog"
theme = ["github.com/dzello/reveal-hugo"]
contentDir = "content/slides"
publishDir = "public/slides"
staticDir = "static/slides"

codeFences = false

unsafe = true

baseName = "index"
mediaType = "text/html"
isHTML = true

changefreq = "monthly"
filename = "sitemap.xml"
priority = 0.5

The key points here being we are looking at:

First we add the reveal-hugo module as a theme.

Then contentDir, where it will look for our content i.e. markdown for our slides.

Then publishDir where the site will be built when we run hugo --config hugo-slides.toml. Cannot be publish because it will overwrite our main site.

Finally staticDir, where the slides will look for static content like CSS.

Within our hugo.toml file add the following:

baseURL = "https://example.com/"
title = "Example"
paginate = 25
enableRobotsTXT = true
buildDrafts = false
buildFuture = false
buildExpired = false
enableEmoji = true
ignorefiles = ["content/slides"]

So when building the main site it will not build for our slides.

New Slides

Add new slides, assuming we are at the root of our hugo project (where hugo.toml and hugo-slides.toml are). Notice the contentDir above, hence we put into the slides folder.

mkdir -p content/slides/first-talk
touch content/slides/first-talk/_index.md

Then in our _index.md file we want to do something like:

title = "Reproducible & Ephemeral Development Environments with Nix"
outputs = ["Reveal"]

# Hello world!

This is my first slide.

hugo server --config hugo-slides.toml, we can now access the slides at http://localhost:1313/slides/first-talk/#/. You can look at the README for more information about syntax.

Add Theme

If we want to add a custom theme to our site we can do something like in our frontmatter:

title = "Reproducible & Ephemeral Development Environments with Nix"
outputs = ["Reveal"]
custom_theme = "stylesheets/reveal/catppuccin.css"
slide_number = true

Where the stylesheet can be found in static/slides/stylesheets/reveal/catppuccin.css. You could also have a separate theme for styling, but I put them into a single CSS file to make my life a bit easier. But you may prefer them in two separate files to make them easier to share between slides.

That’s it! We added reveal-hugo to our existing Hugo blog whilst keeping existing syntax highlighting working. It wasn’t the most elegant solution, but as I said earlier it works well enough for me!
