
This series is a continuation of the other series. I have since updated my home lab, removing the RPIs and replacing them with some mini pcs.

As part of this change I am now using deploy-rs instead of colmena. As its easier to integrate into my own flake, and it won’t roll out the change if breaks the networking, i.e. you cannot ssh to the machine.

Why move away from Pulumi?

As per the title of this post of the most significant changes I have made it moving my Kubernetes config from Pulumi to fluxcd. Pulumi I suspect is great for deploying infrastructure but became painful for managing the YAML config for the k3s cluster.

Writing the YAML in go was an abstraction on top of YAML, making things more complicated. The main thing that caused me to move was trying to set up cert manager. I kept having issues, whereas it was a lot less painful to do in fluxcd.

As I said, I may still use Pulumi to deploy infrastructure changes such as creating DNS records for applications. But I reckon stick to YAML for Kubernetes config.

It is also a lot easier to find tutorials as most Kubernetes resources are in YAML, even though you can convert from YAML to Pulumi Go. If it is still extra work you need to do. Even when I used copilot to try to do it for me.

What is flux?

fluxcd is a tool which keeps your Kubernetes cluster in sync with say a git repository. I have used it at work previously, and it falls into the category of tools of Git Ops. Rather than pushing your changes to the cluster. Flux polls the git repository for changes every x minutes and applies those changes for you.

That way you cannot really apply, and any changes manually forget to commit them, as these will be overwritten by flux. I believe, I am not an expert in fluxcd I am very much still learning both flux and Kubernetes. So please do take what you read here with a pinch of salt.


Install fluxcd, if you are nix, we can do something like this below, or we can add it to say a devshell.

nix-shell -p fluxcd

You must have a kube config file setup such that you can connect to you cluster i.e. kubectl get nodes returns the nodes of your cluster. For my k3s cluster I have it in ~/.kube/config.personal and then an environment variable in the devshell of my home lab.

  description = "Developer Shell";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";

  outputs = {nixpkgs, ...}: {
    devShell.x86_64-linux = let
      pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux;
      pkgs.mkShell {
        shellHook = ''
          export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config.personal
        packages = with pkgs; [

Then we can run install flux by doing something like so (set a valid GitLab token).

GITLAB_TOKEN=deploy-token # Change this to your token
flux bootstrap gitlab \
        --owner=hmajid2301 \
        --repository=home-lab \
        --branch=main \
        --path=clusters/ \
        --personal --deploy-token-auth

That’s it, now we can add config to the home-lab repository. For example, to expose the traefik dashboard we could create a new file clusters/traefik/dashboard-service.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: traefik-dashboard
  namespace: kube-system
  labels: traefik traefik-dashboard
  type: ClusterIP
  - name: traefik
    port: 9000
    targetPort: traefik
    protocol: TCP
  selector: traefik-kube-system traefik

Then commit and push our change to our main branch. Flux will pick up the change and eventually apply it to our cluster. We can monitor the changes using:

flux logs

# or

flux events

We can then access the dashboard by doing some port forwarding kubectl --namespace kube-system port-forward deployments/traefik 9000:9000 Then go to localhost:9000/dashboard/.

That’s it! We quickly set up fluxcd in our Kubernetes cluster. We can now add update the config in our git repo. In the next post we will cover how we can set up sops to secure our secrets but keep them in git.