My NixOS Dotfiles Explained

In this post, we will just go over the basics of how we can configure our setup using a git repo, nix flakes and home-manager. I will go over how I structured my nix config. Not an in-depth tutorial Note this will not be an in-depth guide into NixOS/Home Manager itself. That could well be a series on its own. We will just go over the main ways I configure NixOS/Nix and why I do it the way I do. ...

My Dotfiles III

My latest iteration of my dotfiles, where I am now using a Laptop as my main development machine (Framework). I’m also using Hyprland as my window manager. Most importantly using NixOS and home-manager to declaratively define the state of my machine i.e. what packages to install, dotfiles. CURRENTLY A WIP 🏠 My dotfiles repo, setup using nixos/home-manager Install 🔥 I wouldn’t recommend just blinding using my dotfiles. They are setup for my specific use-case. ...

My Development Workflow With Linux

Following on from my previous post about dotfiles and my development workflow (WIP), in this post I will go over my operating system. Arch As the name implies I use Linux as my main operating system. I am a big fan of Linux because not only is free and open-source, it provides a great developer experience where I find tools that just work on Linux. It also is a lot more customisable as compared with Windows or MacOS. ...

My Dotfiles II

I know I recently made a post about my dotfiles but I’ve made a few changes since then, so here are my updated dotfiles. out of date These dotfiles are out of date check out my updated ones here System Overview OS: Arch Linux DE: Gnome Shell: Fish Prompt: Starship Terminal: Alacritty Editor: Neovim (using LazyVim config) Colorscheme: Catppuccin for EVERYTHING!!! Fonts: Mono Lisa Extensions I use the following Gnome extension. ...

My Development Workflow With Alacritty Fish Tmux Nvim

Workflows Change This post is accurate as of date of publish. But likely will go stale, if I update my workflows I will likely publish another post. In this blog post, I will go over my current development workflow using the above tools namely, fish shell tmux and neovim. I’ll be using the dotfiles found here. I aim to move away from using my mouse as much as possible as it just slows me down when my hands are away from my keyboard. ...

My Dotfiles

This post is a quick introduction to dotfiles, accurate as of 25th of April 2023. out of date These dotfiles are out of date check out my updated ones here Dotfiles 🏠 My dotfiles setup using Dotbot. Install 🔥 I wouldn’t recommend just blinding using my dotfiles. They are setup for my specific use-case. I think you’re better picking and choosing what you like 😄. git clone [email protected]:hmajid2301/dotfiles.git cd dotfiles make install profile=arch System Overview OS: Arch Linux DE: Gnome Shell: Fish Prompt: Starship Terminal: Alacritty Editor: Neovim (using astronvim config) Colorscheme: Dracula Icons: Tela-circle-dracula-dark Fonts: Mono Lisa Extensions I use the following Gnome extension. ...