TIL: How to Fix DNS Resolution Issues in K3s Related to Flannel Networking

TIL: How to Fix DNS Resolution Issues in K3s Related to Flannel Networking Recently, I was trying to set up the kubernetes-dashboard, to make it easier to monitor my k8s cluster. I however noticed I was getting the following error: … > add-kubernetes-dashboard via 🐹 v1.22.2 via  via ❄ impure (nix-shell-env) k$ kubectl logs -n monitoring kubernetes-dashboard-kong-75bb76dd5f-b27ll 2024/05/05 20:55:21 [error] 1319#0: *274054 [lua] init.lua:371: execute(): DNS resolution failed: failed to receive reply from UDP server 10. ...

How to Deploy Kubernetes Dashboard Using Pulumi to a K3s Cluster

Kubernetes Knowledge I don’t know a ton about Kubernetes. I am still learning, hence this home-lab project. So there may be better ways to do stuff that I have described below. If that is the case, please let me know! Just take what I say with a pinch of salt. It’s been a while since I made an update about my home lab, also an aside, I should’ve given this series a better name. ...

TIL: How to Use Tailscale to Connect to K3S PI Cluster

TIL: How to Use Tailscale to Connect to K3S PI Cluster So what do we do if want to connect to our K3S cluster running our RPIs, but we are not on the same network/at home. Well we can look to use a VPN, in this article we will be using tailscale. It is super easy to setup on NixOS, and we need very little config for Tailscale. It also has a generous free tier, which will be more than enough for our home lab use case. ...

How to Deploy K3s With Colmena on Pi Cluster

In this post, we will go over how we can deploy K3S on our PI cluster we have set up. Which is running NixOS, and we can also pass secrets using sops nix based on the previous parts of this series. Some of you maybe wondering what is K3S, it is a Kubernetes distribution which is tiny i.e. the binary is only 50 MB. It also has fewer dependencies. Make it perfect our PI cluster and home lab and IoT apps. ...

TIL: How to Use Sops Nix With Colmena

TIL: How to Use Sops Nix With Colmena If we are using colmena, how can we set it up when we deploy a secret, for example when deploying k3s the token? i.e. services.k3s.tokenFile = "/my.token";. So to do this first, I will assume you already have a colmena config and sops-nix setup in your config. First, let’s set up our hosts, in this case RPIs which already come /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key ssh key we can turn to an age key, i. ...

How I Manage My Raspberry Pi Cluster Using Colmena

So in the previous article I showed you how I had set up my 4 RPI (Raspberry Pi) cluster and put NixOS on the machines. They are now connectable over SSH using just their hostnames, i.e. ssh [email protected]. Initially we deployed NixOS and a basic configuration to each of the RPIs manually. We want to automate this process rather than deploying to each machine manually. I looked at bento, but couldn’t quite work out how to make it work for my use case. ...

How I Setup My Raspberry Pi Cluster With Nixos

Background Recently, I proceeded to experiment with some Raspberry PIs (RPI) that I had lying around. I wanted to do something with them, so I decided I would turn them into a k8s cluster and put various random tools that might be nice to have on it. Such as a GitLab runner, Jellyfin media server & pi hole for ad blocking. Hardware The list below shows the things I used to set up my rpi cluster. ...