Part 7: Zellij as Part of Your Development Workflow

After another 5 months I’m finally back blogging about my development setup. Which since my last post, has been a lot more stable. As much closer to a workflow I am mostly happy with. In this post, we will go over how I integrate Zellij. What is a terminal multiplexer? Zellij is a terminal multiplexer think like tmux or screen. It another one of those projects written in rust. Which seems pretty popular for creating similar tools to existing ones but usually faster. ...

Part 6: Fish Shell as Part of Your Development Workflow

After a long break, I am again writing about my workflow. The big issue I have with this series is that my workflow is kind of always in flux and changing. Which maybe is a bad thing. I just need to pick some tools and stick to it. Rather than trying four different terminal emulators, i.e. alacritty, kitty, foot and wezterm. However, over the last ~5ish years, one thing that has remained pretty constant is my use of fish shell. ...

Part 5B: Installing Our Nix Configuration (NixOS Anywhere) as Part of Your Workflow

I wanted to do a short article showing you how you can use your Nix config to install NixOS on a new device. Have your device setup with NixOS in a few commands with all the packages and tooling you want. Previously I was creating my own ISO and then burning that to a USB and using that USB as live media to install my config. I had a custom script nix_installer, which would run automatically when you loaded into the gnome shell. ...

Part 5: Nix as Part of Your Development Workflow

My original plan for this article was to discuss my shell and how I configure it. But I have made some significant changes, to how I structure my Nix configuration and I wanted to go over Why I did that. I mean, likely this will probably happen a lot, as my configuration changes more often than it should 🙈. Anyway, into the main topic. My dotfiles Snowfall what? I recently ported my Nix configuration (dotfiles), to use the snowfall-lib to structure my Nix config. ...

Part 4b Foot Terminal as Part of Your Development Workflow

Earlier this year I spoke about using Wezterm as my terminal of choice, however since then, I have swapped back to the foot terminal emulator. I also have kitty available on my system. However, I don’t use it much. In this article, I want to add a quick addendum to why I moved away from Wezterm. Note as per that post, this is again not a super important decision, almost any full colour supported terminal will basically like every other. ...

Part 4: Wezterm Terminal as Part of Your Development Workflow

I will preface this article by saying, out of all the tools/apps in this series, this is probably the least important decision you will make. You can use any terminal editor and basically still have the same development workflow as me. Some common terminal emulators include: kitty alacritty foot wezterm Background After a break that was probably too long in this series, we’re on to the next part looking at our terminal and how we set it up. ...

Part 3: Hyprland as Part of Your Development Workflow

Preamble Now we have looked at our choice of hardware, which OS to use and specifically, how to configure NixOS (at a high-level), using a git repository. In this part, we will go over which window manager to use. There are two main types we could use here. Either a desktop environment like Gnome or KDE. Which comes with batteries included, it provides us with everything we need and we don’t need to configure much to get stuff working. ...

Part 2: How to Setup Nixos as Part of Your Development Workflow

Premable In this second part of the series, we will look at how we can not set up NixOS past installation. How we can install software and various other tools. After part 1 we should have NixOS installed, mind you since I’ve written that blog post I found a way to create a custom ISO image from my Nix config. This ISO contains a custom install script, the main advantage being able to use a tool called disko to partition our disks. ...

Part 1: NixOS as part of your Development Workflow

Introduction Dev Machine My main machine for development at the moment is a 12th Generation Intel Framework Laptop. This series has been inspired by Dev Workflow Intro by Josh Medeski. In this series of posts, I will go over how I have set up my developer workflow and explain why I have made certain decisions and why I use certain tools. This series aim to make it less daunting for you to start your journey on improving your developer workflow. ...

Part 0: Hardware as Part of Your Development Workflow

This series has been inspired by Dev Workflow Intro by Josh Medeski. This is sort of a precursor to my series about how I have set up my development workflow. Hopefully, you will be able to pick a few tips and tricks you can add to your development workflow to make it more efficient. Or even give me tips on how I can make my workflow more efficient. In this post we will go over arguably the least important, but at the same time quite important, part of our workflow. ...