TIL: How to Run Android Emulator Using avd on Hyprland

TIL: How to Run Android Emulator Using avd on Hyprland Recently, I was having issues when trying to run an Android Emulator using Android Studio (avd). When I would try to run an Emulator from the device manager, I would get the following The emulator process for avd xxx has terminated error. Looking deeper into the logs at ~/.local/cache/Google/AndroidStudio2023.1/log/idea.log, I noticed the following: 2024-02-20 12:01:45,859 [ 781674] INFO - Emulator: Pixel 7 Pro API 34 - Android emulator version 33. ...

How to Remote Debug your SvelteKit on an Android Device in Firefox

In this post, we will go over how you can test your SvelteKit app on your Android device in Firefox. If you’re like me you are building an app that you want users to use on both normal PCs (laptops, Desktop) and their smartphones. But the question arises how can we debug our app on a smartphone? One way to achieve this is to use Firefox and remote debugging, you will need to connect your smartphone via USB to your device running the SvelteKit app i. ...

Add adaptive icons to your Android app

In this article, we will go over how you can use add the new adaptive app icons to your Android app. In his article I will be using a React Native project, so the structure of your Android app may vary. Adaptive Icons Adaptive icons are a new feature introduced in Android 8.0 (API level 26). It allows your app icon to be displayed using multiple shapes across different devices and launchers, more information available here. ...

Auto Publish React Native App to Android Play Store using GitLab CI

In this article, I will show you how can automate the publishing of your AAB/APK to the Google Play Console. We will be using the Gradle Play Publisher (GPP) plugin to do automate this process for us. Using this plugin we cannot only automate the publishing and release of our app, we can also update the release notes, store listing (including photos) all from GitLab CI. Note: In this article I will assume that you are using Linux and React Native version >= 0. ...

Using Gitlab CI to Publish an Android React Native App

In this article I will show how you can use the GitLab CI with React Native to create a binary which can be published to the Google Play Store. Prerequisites Google Developers Account A working React Native Android project Keystore First, we have to generate a keystore which we will use to sign our APK. To do this run the commands below, follow all the instructions and keep the file safe. ...

React Native/Expo with VirtualBox and Genymotion

My home PC runs Windows for various conveniences, such as gaming. However, for development, I run an Ubuntu virtual machine (VM) and Genymotion (on Windows) for testing my app. Genymotion also uses VirtualBox to run its Android emulators. So we work out how to let two VMs running on the same host communicate with each other (Ubuntu and Android Emulator). Please Note: This will also work for VMWare Player. Solution There are a few networking options we can choose from when setting up a VM. ...