How to Get Code Coverage From Playwright Tests in a Sveltekit App

In this post, I will show you how to get code coverage reports from your Playwright tests in your SvelteKit app. So let’s imagine we are starting with the basic SvelteKit template. First, we need to install: npm i -D vite-plugin-istanbul We need the vite plugin to instrument our code using Istanbul. Istanbul is a tool which allows us to instrument our code such that it can determine which lines were covered by our tests. ...

TIL: How to Deploy 'Multiple' Sites on One GitLab Page Site

I have a repo which I use to store all of my conference and similar talks. This repo includes any code examples and most importantly the slides. At the moment all the slides are RevealJS “sites”, which means it’s a presentation built in HTML. Now I would like to have all my talks deployed to single GitLab pages site. For example something like: So how can we do this ? ...

TIL: How to Run Parallel Jobs on Gitlab CI (Different Stages)

TIL: How to Run Parallel Jobs on Gitlab CI (Different Stages) If you are familiar with Gitlab CI you probably know that jobs in the same stages will run in parallel. However you can also run jobs in different stages at the same time. Let’s see our .gitlab-ci.yml looks like this: stages: - test - deploy format: stage: test script: - task format lint: stage: test script: - task lint deploy:preview: stage: deploy only: - merge_request image: docker script: - task deploy So for my use case when a user creates a merge request, I want to run some tests against the code, such as linting and formatting. ...

How Can We Update GitLab CI on the Status of the Netlify Deploy Part I

In this post, I will show you how you can update your GitLab CI pipeline with the status of your Netlify deploys. As it is quite nice to have everything in one place if our CI pipeline passed or failed. I have spoken about this in a previous article, how you might go about setting up merge request preview environments with Netlify. This can be set up to also leave comments as shown above, and notify us if our website deployed successfully. ...