TIL: How to Use DinD, localhost & Gitlab CI

TIL: How to Use DinD, localhost & Gitlab CI In this post, I will go over how you can use docker-compose and Gitlab CI. In this example, we will be running playwright tests directly on the Gitlab runner. The tests will start a SvelteKit server also running on the Gitlab runner. The SvelteKit server will connect to PocketBase (backend) running in docker-compose. So essentially we need a way for something running locally to connect to something running in docker in Gitlab CI (on a runner). ...

How to use DotBot to personalise your VSCode Devcontainers

Devcontainers This article assumes you are already familiar with dev containers. You can read more about devcontainers here. In this article, we will go over how you can personalise your dev containers. Devcontainers allow us to create consistent development environments. One of the main advantages of dev containers is we can provide a “one button” setup for new developers. We do this by using a container (Docker), and we end up developing inside a container. ...

Running Gitlab CI jobs in Docker using docker-compose

Shameless plug: This is related to a EuroPython 2022 talk I am giving, My Journey Using Docker as a Development Tool. For most of my common dev tasks, I’ve started to rely on docker/docker compose to run commands locally. I have also started using vscode’s .devcontainers, to provide a consistent environment for all developers using a project. The main reason for this is to avoid needing to install dependencies on my host machine. ...

How DNS works with Docker

In this article, we will briefly go over what DNS (domain name system) is and explain how it is used in conjunction with Docker 🐳. DNS You can think of DNS like a phonebook, except instead of people’s name and phone numbers, it stores domains names and IP addresses (this can be either IPv4 or IPv6). Where a domain name is used to identify resources i.e. google.com is a domain name. ...

How to use Gitlab CI, Pytest and docker-compose together

On a recent project, I was working on, I wanted to test my web service using docker-compose where I can run and kill Docker containers used by the application and see how my web application reacts to that. In this article, we will go over how you start docker containers using docker-compose from within Gitlab CI. The diagram above is a visualisation of what we are trying to achieve. We want to spawn Docker containers using docker-compose from within our job. ...

How to use DinD with Gitlab CI

Like most developers, we want to be able to automate as many and as much of processes as possible. Pushing Docker images to a registry is a task that can easily be automated. In this article, we will cover how you can use Gitlab CI to build and publish your Docker images, to the Gitlab registry. However, you can also very easily edit this to push your images to DockerHub as well. ...

Building A Simple Flask App with SQLalchemy and Docker

SQLAlchemy is an object-relational mapper (ORM), it allow us to interact with a database using Python functions and objects. For example, if we have a table called Cats we could retrieve every row with a command like Cats.query.all(). The main advantage of this is that it allows us to abstract away the SQL. Docker 🐳 allows us to quickly bring up a database within a Docker container, this means we don’t have to set up and configure a database on our local machine. ...

Using Multiple Docker Containers to Setup Nginx, Flask and Postgres

Terminology Docker Image: Is a file used to execute code in a Docker container, built from a set of instructions. Docker Container: Is a Docker image that is being executed or run. Docker 🐳 is a relatively new and exciting technology, Docker is a containerisation tool. The main benefits of using Docker is that you can use the same environment for development, testing and production. Since Docker environments are consistent this means if the application works in the testing environment it will also work in production. ...

Running Expo/React Native in Docker

Running Expo/React Native in a Docker container can sometimes cause issues. In this example, I will be running Docker 🐳 within a guest VM (Ubuntu) which will run on my host machine (Windows). My host machine will also be running another VM as the Android emulator (Genymotion) for Expo to connect to. You can get a more detailed post about how to connect two VMs together here, #Plug 🔌🔌🔌. Since I’ve set up networking on those two VMs already as far as Expo is concerned it might as well be running on the host machine (Windows). ...