TIL: How to Get VSCode ESLint to Sort Imports

I use VS Code as my text editor, one of the features I really like about VS Code is that it will format our file on save. Which saves needing to run a CLI tool to do it. For example, running prettier. As part of the formatting on save you can set an option to organise your imports as well. If you open your settings.json, you can add a section like this: ...

How to Autosort our SvelteKit Imports

In this post, we will go over how we can auto-sort our imports in our svelte files. To do this we will be using eslint and the eslint-import-plugin plugin. If you’re anything like me you like have ordered imports, rather than random imports that can be hard to make sense of. In Python we have isort in golang we have goimports. In JavaScript we can use eslint with the above plugin. ...