How to Move Files Between Two Git Repositories and Keep its History

Background Recently, I had to move one of my to-do files from its own repository, todo, to my second-brain repository. So I could better keep track of my ideas, and tasks to be done. However, I realised just copying the file over I would lose all the git history the file had. Strictly speaking, I don’t need the git history of that file, as the most important thing is the current tasks to be completed. ...

 2024-02-11 469 words 3 min

TIL: About Conditional Gitconfigs

TIL you can have conditional sections in your .gitconfig As some of you may know, I keep my dotfiles in a git repo. The problem with this approach is that my email in my .gitconfig is set to [email protected]. Where my config looks something like this: [user] email = [email protected] name = Haseeb Majid # ... However, when I am at work I need to use a different email to commit i. ...

 2022-11-12 257 words 2 min

Using Dotbot with plugins

Previous article This article assumes you are familiar with dotfiles and Dobot. If you want to know more about Dotbot click here In this article I will show you how you can use Dotbot plugins. We can use Dotbot plugins to run new directives such as apt. So we can use the apt package manager, so install packages. Tip One useful use case is when we setup on a new system we may want to make we have some packages installed like vim or make. ...

How to Manage your Dotfiles with DotBot across Devices

Previous article This article assumes you are familiar with dotfiles and Dobot. If you want to know more about Dotbot click here If you are like me you have devices, such as personal desktop and a work laptop. These devices share some dotfiles but also have specific program and applications. For example: Personal Desktop: Linux Work Laptop: Windows (WSL) On Linux I use alacritty and in Windows I use Windows terminal I could copy all my dotfiles over and not worry about which programs exist on which systems. ...

How to Manage Your Dotfiles With Dotbot

If you’re like me you find yourself moving between multiple systems. Whether that be between my personal desktop and my work laptop or distro hopping on Linux. See relevant meme below: What are dotfiles? Many tools/program store their configuration files as files on your machine. On Linux you will often find these in ~/.config directory. Some common examples of dotfiles: - .vimrc - .bashrc - .gitconfig I wanted to find an easy way to manage my dotfiles and share them between mutiple systems. ...