TIL: How to Fix Did No Resolve Alias Errors in Podman

TIL: How to Fix Did No Resolve Alias Errors in Podman Recently, I was trying to pull docker images using podman, on an Ubuntu laptop and was getting an error which looked something like: Error: error creating build container: short-name "node:18.17" did not resolve to an alias and no unqualified-search registries are defined in "/etc/containers/registries.conf" This is because Podman doesn’t allow us to use short names, by default we need to specify the registry i. ...

TIL: How to Set Network Manager Priority to Use Wired Connection Over WIFI

TIL: How to Set Network Manager Priority to Use Wired Connection Over Wi-Fi If you use network manager on Linux and have both Wi-Fi and wired connection. You may want to prefer using a wired connection over Wi-Fi, due to stability. To do open the nm-connection-editor, if you are using Nix, you can download it from nixpkgs like usual. Higher number means higher priority. So for our wired connection I set the priority to 100 (it was previously -1) and then for our Wi-Fi connection I set the priority to 1. ...

Why I moved to NixOS

Recently I decided to move from Arch Linux to NixOS. Rather than doing what I should’ve done which was try to use NixOS in a VM first and learn Nix properly. I decided to jump into the deep end and completely delete my current Arch Linux build with Nix. This included replacing my dotfiles setup using DotBot moving them to Nix flakes and home-manager (more on this in a bit). In this post, I’ll go over why I moved over to NixOS, and why I am staying put for now. ...

My Development Workflow With Linux

Following on from my previous post about dotfiles and my development workflow (WIP), in this post I will go over my operating system. Arch As the name implies I use Linux as my main operating system. I am a big fan of Linux because not only is free and open-source, it provides a great developer experience where I find tools that just work on Linux. It also is a lot more customisable as compared with Windows or MacOS. ...