This week On my list of tasks I had the following:
Fix auth refresh token flow not fully working Add span information to the auth middleware Simplify templ with pop drilling Update project name And managed to do all of them, even starting to work the core feedback part of the application i.e. allowing users to actually add feedback to the project. I rebranded the app from Go Feedback to Voxicle (which means voice and cycle).
This week I decided to use wristband to the tenant and then organization on my side of the app. I am not fully happy with it. During sign up the user creates a tenant but that might be confusing to the customer vs telling them its an organization. But it does mean a new user is created and tenant on both wristband side and in the service database.
Then I moved onto working on the subscription logic with paddle.
Week 3 I finished off the auth flow this week, decided to move over to using the wristband UI instead of using my own components. It ended up being a lot of code which was nice to actually delete and I think the wristband setup is pretty nice and slick. I had to adjust slightly how I will create users in my own DB but it wasn’t a big deal.
Background Last year, I worked on two main side projects:
OptiNix: CLI tool to easily find nix options. Banter Bus: My third attempt at building a browser based multi-player game. Whilst Banter Bus is not fully done, I got it to an almost working state and at some point will go back and fix a bunch of the bugs and add some new features.
However, I finally decided I wanted to try my hand at building something that I could try to make some money from.