My Favourite Neovim Plugins

In this post, I will go over some of my Neovim plugins I really like that aren’t as well known. So I won’t really be talking about telescope, LSP or nvim-cmp. As most users know about these plugins and use them extensively in their configuration. oil.nvim Link: oil.nvim creates a file explorer but as a true vim buffer, so it’s effortless to create new files and folders. We can also move files easily. ...

TIL: How to Add New Vim Plugins to nixpkgs Repository

Recently, I wanted to add a Neovim plugin to nixpkgs, so I can then add it to NixVim. I tried following the guide from the docs. However, I kept getting the following errors: nix-shell -p vimPluginsUpdater --run vim-plugins-updater error: … while calling the 'derivationStrict' builtin at /builtin/derivation.nix:9:12: (source not available) … while evaluating derivation 'shell' whose name attribute is located at /nix/store/whhzjfgalghpm34irclh01c0afynmyll-nixpkgs/nixpkgs/pkgs/stdenv/generic/make-derivation.nix:300:7 … while evaluating attribute 'buildInputs' of derivation 'shell' at /nix/store/whhzjfgalghpm34irclh01c0afynmyll-nixpkgs/nixpkgs/pkgs/stdenv/generic/make-derivation. ...

2023 In Summary, My Year of The Terminal

For once, I am actually doing a year in review, to go over some of the things I’ve learnt over the last year. Part of the reason is this has been probably my most transformative year since I have been a software engineer. I have become far more terminal development driven, if that is a phrase one can use. What I mean is I changed my development workflow to leverage being in the terminal more. ...

TIL: How to Use Open Buffers When Debugging With Neovim's DAP Plugin

TIL: How to Use Open Buffers When Debugging With Neovim’s DAP Plugin I had an issue that whilst debugging my Golang tests in Neovim, the buffer I was focusing on would always change to the breakpoint. Even when the buffer was open and visible already, say I had the code with the breakpoint on the left buffer and the tests I was starting the debugger from on the right buffer. ...

TIL: How to Debug a Test in Golang With Build Tags in Neovim

TIL: How to Debug a Test in Golang With Build Tags in Neovim I was having issues with my debugger today (well technically yesterday because I am publishing this a day later to spread out my blog posts but same difference) and it took me a few hours to realise what was going on. In my case, I was trying to debug a test written in Golang using nvim-dap-go on Neovim. ...

TIL: How to Install Neovim Nightly Using Nix Home Manager (and NixVim)

TIL: How to Install Neovim Nightly Using Nix Home Manager (and NixVim) Recently, I wanted to install the nightly version of Neovim (version 0.10) because it supports inlay hints. However, on nixpkgs the latest version of Neovim as of writing is 0.9.4. So how can we get the nightly release? Using nix/home-manager. Simple, we can use an overlay that will add the Neovim nightly package with the nightly. Assuming we are using nix flakes. ...

TIL: How to Colour Dap Breakpointed Line in Neovim

TIL: How to Colour Dap Breakpointed Line in Neovim I wanted to change the background colour of the line when it was stopped during debugging using DAP with neovim. To make it easier to see where we are currently breakpointed. We already have a highlight group called DapStopped. Which in my case is defined as: DapStopped = { bg = C.grey }. Then we need to assign the custom highlight group, the key bit being linehl for our use case. ...

TIL: How to Colour Neovim Line Numbers

TIL: How to Colour Neovim Line Numbers Recently I was trying to configure my own neovim config. I wanted the current line I was onto be coloured slighty differently and also the line number to be white. So it’s easier to see the line number and which line I was on. It was not immediately obvious how to do this and took me long to work out than I’d like to admit 😅. ...

 2023-08-24 142 words 1 min