How to Setup Netlify Deployment Notifications on Discord with Pipedream

Hi everyone, I recently went about setting up notifications about my Netlify deploys in Discord. Netlify does have an official way to do however, you cannot use it on the free tier. So I looked at other solutions, and I eventually discovered a SaaS product called PipeDream. It is a website which allows us to connect different components without needing to write any code. Such as what to do when we receive a webhook. ...

TIL: How to fix `structuredClone` to work on Netlify SvelteKit Site

TIL: How to fix structuredClone to work on Netlify SvelteKit Site Recently I was working on my SvelteKit site and added some code like so to my hook.server.ts: try { if (event.locals.pb.authStore.isValid) { await event.locals.pb.collection("users").authRefresh(); event.locals.user = structuredClone(event.locals.pb?.authStore.model); } } catch (err) { console.log("failed to refresh auth", err); event.locals.user = undefined; event.locals.pb.authStore.clear(); } I needed to add the structuredClone function so that only POJO (plain old javascript objects) would get stored in the event. ...

How Can We Update GitLab CI on the Status of the Netlify Deploy Part I

In this post, I will show you how you can update your GitLab CI pipeline with the status of your Netlify deploys. As it is quite nice to have everything in one place if our CI pipeline passed or failed. I have spoken about this in a previous article, how you might go about setting up merge request preview environments with Netlify. This can be set up to also leave comments as shown above, and notify us if our website deployed successfully. ...

TIL: How to Setup Netlify, Gitlab And Sentry

TIL: How to Setup Netlify, Gitlab And Sentry I will show you in this post how you can integrate Gitlab, Netlify and Sentry. I may do a more detailed post in the future. GitLab -> Sentry To connect Gitlab and Sentry follow this guide. Then add the repos you want to monitor in Sentry. In my case, it is the Bookmarkey GUI. Netlify -> GitLab This integration is pretty simple just go through the normal Netlify setup process to add a new site. ...

TIL: How to Deploy a SvelteKit site on Netlify

TIL: How to Deploy a SvelteKit site on Netlify So you have a SvelteKit site you want to deploy to Netlify how can we do that? First, go about setting up a site like normal! In my case, I am going to import an existing site from Gitlab. Netlify In the build settings we want the following settings: Branch Adjust the branch to whatever your main branch is i.e. the branch you want to deploy from. ...

My Workflow To Create a New Post Using Hugo, NetlifyCMS, Netlify and Gitlab Together

Netlify CMS Deprecated Since I have written this post Netlify CMS has been deprecated in favour of decap-cms. Thanks to @roneo for raising this issue. So the Netlify CMS part of this article is no longer relevant. I also no longer use this workflow, I instead just create articles locally using a script now!!! In this post, I will go over my new workflow for creating articles/posts that I now use with my new (Hugo) blog. ...

TIL: You Can Schedule Posts on Your Hugo Blog using Netlify and Gitlab CI

TIL: You Can Schedule Posts on Your Hugo Blog using Netlify and Gitlab CI This post in fact will be a scheduled post I’m writing it on the 20th of November but it will be published on the 23rd of November. Assuming we are using Netlify to deploy our website, what we will need to do is trigger a rebuild of our site every day using Gitlab CI. Since Hugo builds a static site to publish our content after a set date we will need to rebuild our site. ...