TIL: How to Fix Neorg Metadata Treesitter Issues With Nixvim

TIL: How to Fix Neorg Metadata Tree Sitter Issues With NixVim If you are like me, you may be configuring your Neovim configuration using NixVim. Which is a “framework” making it easier to configure Neovim using mostly Nix configuration. Allowing us to keep most of our config in one language, at least in my case. I started using Neorg to manage my notes and to-do lists in my “second-brain”, but noticed that the metadata part was not being highlighted as I expected. ...

TIL: How to Debug a Test in Golang With Build Tags in Neovim

TIL: How to Debug a Test in Golang With Build Tags in Neovim I was having issues with my debugger today (well technically yesterday because I am publishing this a day later to spread out my blog posts but same difference) and it took me a few hours to realise what was going on. In my case, I was trying to debug a test written in Golang using nvim-dap-go on Neovim. ...

TIL: How to Install Neovim Nightly Using Nix Home Manager (and NixVim)

TIL: How to Install Neovim Nightly Using Nix Home Manager (and NixVim) Recently, I wanted to install the nightly version of Neovim (version 0.10) because it supports inlay hints. However, on nixpkgs the latest version of Neovim as of writing is 0.9.4. So how can we get the nightly release? Using nix/home-manager. Simple, we can use an overlay that will add the Neovim nightly package with the nightly. Assuming we are using nix flakes. ...