TIL: How to Fix Neorg Metadata Treesitter Issues With Nixvim

TIL: How to Fix Neorg Metadata Tree Sitter Issues With NixVim If you are like me, you may be configuring your Neovim configuration using NixVim. Which is a “framework” making it easier to configure Neovim using mostly Nix configuration. Allowing us to keep most of our config in one language, at least in my case. I started using Neorg to manage my notes and to-do lists in my “second-brain”, but noticed that the metadata part was not being highlighted as I expected. ...

My Favourite Neovim Plugins

In this post, I will go over some of my Neovim plugins I really like that aren’t as well known. So I won’t really be talking about telescope, LSP or nvim-cmp. As most users know about these plugins and use them extensively in their configuration. oil.nvim Link: https://github.com/stevearc/oil.nvim oil.nvim creates a file explorer but as a true vim buffer, so it’s effortless to create new files and folders. We can also move files easily. ...

TIL: How to Use Open Buffers When Debugging With Neovim's DAP Plugin

TIL: How to Use Open Buffers When Debugging With Neovim’s DAP Plugin I had an issue that whilst debugging my Golang tests in Neovim, the buffer I was focusing on would always change to the breakpoint. Even when the buffer was open and visible already, say I had the code with the breakpoint on the left buffer and the tests I was starting the debugger from on the right buffer. ...

TIL: How to Setup Neovim for Nixlang

TIL: How to Setup Neovim for Nixlang I have been recently using NixOS/home-manager and I have been writing a lot of nixlang. To have my system state declaratively set up. I have been doing most of this editing in neovim. It took me a bit of time to work out how to get it set up so there is some basic LSP support and auto-formatting. I created a file called nix. ...

How to Use Neotest Dap With Lazyvim for Golang Development

In this blog post, I will show you how you can easily setup Neotest to make testing easier in neovim and DAP to make debugging your tests is a lot easier. I am using the LazyVim neovim distribution, where these two come as easily installed extra plugins. However, it should be easy enough for you to copy the config over to your neovim lua config. LazyVim even has the config available on its website, you don’t even need to deep dive into the code 😄. ...

My Development Workflow With Alacritty Fish Tmux Nvim

Workflows Change This post is accurate as of date of publish. But likely will go stale, if I update my workflows I will likely publish another post. In this blog post, I will go over my current development workflow using the above tools namely, fish shell tmux and neovim. I’ll be using the dotfiles found here. I aim to move away from using my mouse as much as possible as it just slows me down when my hands are away from my keyboard. ...