Part 6: Fish Shell as Part of Your Development Workflow

After a long break, I am again writing about my workflow. The big issue I have with this series is that my workflow is kind of always in flux and changing. Which maybe is a bad thing. I just need to pick some tools and stick to it. Rather than trying four different terminal emulators, i.e. alacritty, kitty, foot and wezterm. However, over the last ~5ish years, one thing that has remained pretty constant is my use of fish shell. ...

How To Self Host Your Own Atuin Server

In this article, we will go over how we can self-host our instance of Atuin. A tool we can use to sync our shell history across multiple devices. In the previous article, I showed how you can use the official server. However you may want to run your self-hosted one, so no one can access even the encrypted version of your shell history. We will deploy our instance to Why fly. ...

How Sync Your Shell History With Atuin in Nix

Atuin is a great tool I recently discovered that can be used to sync our shell history across multiple machines. We can either self-host this or use the “officially” hosted one. In a future article, I will show you how you can self-host your version of Atuin on But for this article, I will assume you have a server setup. Your history is end-to-end encrypted so the official server is safe to use and store your history on. ...