TIL: How to Set the Path Variable When Using Ubuntu With Nix (Home Manager)

TIL: How to Set the Path Variable When Using Ubuntu With Nix (Home Manager) As per some of my recent articles, you will be aware I am using Hyprland (tiling manager) on Ubuntu and managing the config using nix (home-manager). I was having issues where for some reason it wouldn’t set the PATH variable correctly. On my NixOS machine, the following would be fine: bind=,XF86AudioRaiseVolume,exec, volume --inc bind=,XF86AudioLowerVolume,exec, volume --dec However, on Ubuntu I needed to provide the full path: ...

How to Install Hyprland on Ubuntu (22.04)

As you may know from my previous articles, my work laptop is an Ubuntu (22.04) laptop. However, on the rest of my devices I use NixOS with Hyprland as my tiling window manager. I wanted to be able to use Hyprland on my laptop as well, I tried using Sway and, it worked mostly pretty well, but it was yet another to manage and there were some slight differences. Also, I like the animations on Hyprland 😅. ...